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Saturday, 25 January 2014

How readers can bookmark Australia Day

12 Apostles, Victoria, Australia

WELL, it’s Australia Day and many cities and towns around the country will have citizenship ceremonies to welcome people from all over the world. You are true-blue Aussies now.

IT'S funny: In the late 1800s, Australia was chosen by Great Britain as a penal colony for involuntary tourists from England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Now its national day welcomes new citizens from places such as India, China, Japan, Egypt, The Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, as well as people from South Africa, Ireland, New Zealand, Italy, Greece, the United States, Canada, Russia and more and of course the UK, still the biggest contributor of new chums.
Also across Australia on January 26,  some Indigenous people will commemorate Invasion Day to remind us there were people living in Oz for tens of thousands of years before the Whites came and in some cases did some deadly things to the original inhabitants.

Available HERE

        One of my short stories in Naughty Nineties is set on Australia Day, 1992. Steele Hill and Natalie Applebee are attending the first Survival Day (another word for Oz Day) concert in Sydney.
Another thing to celebrate on Australia Day is that country's authors. Check out some of them HERE 
Happy Australia/Citizenship/Invasion/Survival/Oz Day, one and all.
 Naughty Nineties Available HERE

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